February 10, 2022
2:31 pm
On this episode of The Rich Equation Podcast, Ashish is joined by guest Lindsey Schwartz. In this inspirational episode, Ashish and Lindsey discuss the freedom attached to allowing yourself to feel stretched and going in the direction of the unknown to grow. Lindsey advises you to complete something that challenges you regularly as self-awareness is one of the most valuable things we can develop. Lindsey shares her experience with limiting beliefs and how she grew to accept that she cannot control other people’s perceptions of her.
0:00 – Ashish shares a brief introduction to his guest Lindsey Schwartz 5:10 – Lindsey states that She wishes she was able to tell 20-year-old Lindsey that she will never have any idea what future she looks like 7:30 – Lindsey speaks about how if you feel stretched and feel like you’re going in the direction of the unknown it means you are doing the right thing and going the right way 9:30 – Lindsey explains how she was 33 when she wrote her book and how it was the first time she attempted and finished something not knowing if she would be good at it or not 10:24 – Ashish asks Lindsey about the advice she gives to people who need to take the leap and commit to something that’s going to challenge them 12:49 – Lindsey states that self-awareness is one of the most valuable things any of us can develop 15:52 – Ashish asks Lindsey to shares some unexpected challenges she faced during her journey 16:30 – Lindsey states that it’s a gift when you’re blind to the personal growth you’re going to have the opportunity to go through 19:50 – Lindsey poses the question; ‘what if the thing you’re trying to prevent from happening right now is the situation that holds the keys to your biggest lesson, would you welcome it in?’ 20:31 – Ashish asks Lindsey what her vision for Powerhouse Women within the next decade is 31:45 – Lindsey mentions how the subconscious mind is very smart, it knows all of our fears and all of our deepest insecurities 33:30 – Ashish talks about how when you’re trying to make huge leaps you’re going to grow and change and be forced to leave things behind 34:15 – Lindsey speaks about her biggest fear as is letting go of control and how a lot of her growth right now is requiring her to step into a new level of leadership 37:06 – Lindsey talks about how a large portion of her routine right now is mindset work 40:00 – Lindsey encourages you to listen to her podcast
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Ashish Nathu: Welcome back to the rich equation podcast, where we help you live your richest life. Today, we are joined by the one and only powerhouse woman, Lindsey Schwartz. Lindsey’s an entrepreneur business mentor host of the powerhouse women podcast and a bestselling author fiercely committed to supporting other women Lindsey investor time and mentoring women and girls of all ages from high achieving entrepreneurs to high school students. After seeing numerous women in her life. Stop short of pursuing their own entrepreneurial dreams because of fear and self doubt. She saw the need for a more honest conversation about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. In order to show women the, they don’t have to have it all together to get started from there. The powerhouse women community annual event and podcasts were born with the motto that we’re not meant to do business or life alone. This woman inspires me so much and reminds me why the future is female. I know you will get so much from her. It is my honor to introduce Lindsey Schwartz. And remember if you enjoy this podcast or find it valuable in any way, you have a duty to share it with someone else who may need to hear this message or can get value from this content and remember to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review so we can continue to bring massive value to you, to our website, the rich equation, to be added to our mailing list for special access and content. Now here’s the episode.
Narrator: Welcome to the rich equation podcast, rich equation podcast. Are you ready to discover how to live rich today and not wait for retirement? If you are tired of struggling and wanna live your best life, now you are in the right place. Outdated principles will no longer work in today’s environment. It’s time for a new approach. Your host Ashish Nathu will help you discover methods to live the new American dream. It’s time to start living the good life on your own terms and experience a new way to live rich. Rich. Now here’s your host Ashish Nathu
Ashish Nathu: Mrs. Lindsey Schwartz. Welcome to the podcast.
Lindsey Schwartz: I feel like that was such a formal introduction. Thank you for having me.
Ashish Nathu: What’s Up sister. I can be a little bit more informal too, right? Yeah. That’s more your style. Um, I’m really honored for you to be here on the podcast today. Um, you are such a thought leader in community building and have really stepped into a whole new world for yourself and for building communities with women. And so I think there’s just so much to get outta you today. Uh, so much value for the listeners. So I’m really just excited to unpack it. And, and actually before we get into it, and we didn’t talk about this before we started recording, it was like, I really wanna get into stuff that you normally don’t talk about with people like I’m, you know, you do a lot of podcasts. You have a podcast yourself, of course, the power of out swim podcast. And I really want to get into like, what are the questions that people should be asking you? What are the things that really are deep, deep? So we’ll get into all that today. And I’m just really excited and honored for you to be here. So I appreciate you.
Lindsey Schwartz: Uh, well I’m already excited. I’m like, let’s go, let’s do this.
Ashish Nathu: Well, you know, it’s the beginning of the year. And I guess this is where I wanna start is it’s the beginning of the year. Um, you know, we’re starting to think about what we wanna accomplish this year. What are the big goals? What are our big objectives? And one of the things that you talk a lot about, and I’ve learned so much about this from you, is really becoming and stepping into a new version of yourself. And I really wanna get into your story a little bit because you are on this UN what do you call it? Unpaved journey where no one has really done what you’re doing. You’re doing it in a space that is, is really big, but also like, you know, is not a charted territory charted path. And you sometimes probably feel uncertain about where you’re going and whether what you’re doing works, et cetera. And you’re constantly having to up level who you are and who you have to become as a leader. So I just want to kind of start there is tell us a little bit about that journey. Tell us about what works, what doesn’t work and, you know, you’ve just been such a great example of this, this, you know, up-leveling yourself and being the next version of yourself to get what you want. So just let’s talk, let’s start there.
Lindsey Schwartz: Mm, well, thank you for that beautiful question too, because what I, I would rather be known as that for that the fact that I’m in pursuit of my next growth and evolution, I’d rather be known as that person than the person who’s achieved X, Y, Z external result, cuz that’s the part I’m most proud of. And it’s kind of cool. We’re recording this episode today because just a, about an hour ago, I finished an episode with, uh, a girl who has a pot I’d cast geared toward 20 somethings. And so a lot of the questions were like, what would you tell Lindsey at that point? And a lot of the conversation was around. Gosh, I wish I could go back and tell my that version of myself that you have. No, you will never have an idea of who you wanna be when you grow up.
Lindsey Schwartz: So the 38 year old version that I am today, still doesn’t everything that I’ll achieve and accomplish. And the freedom that comes with that is so cool. Possibilities are endless when you don’t have this finite path that you think you have to follow. And a lot of that, the opposite of that is what I would characterize my life coming up through school, pursuing my first corporate job really up until I kind of found my way into entrepreneurship, but the, the short version of it is I built one business, a health and wellness business through a network marketing company learned so much about myself through that process. I love that personal development is so steeped into the network marketing profession and had so much personal growth through it. And what I started to see was that in that industry, you’re talking with a lot of people about what are their dreams, and then you’re trying to connect to how you can help them fulfill it.
Lindsey Schwartz: And I would have so many conversations, especially with women that sounded something like, well, I’m really inspired by what you’ve done, Lindsey, you know, and really what they were saying is I’m inspired by the social media version of your life, right? It’s never as glamorous as people think, but they would say something to the effective. I, I would just love to have a business of my own or I’ve always had this idea. I don’t think what you’re doing is for me, but they would light up telling me about this feeling or this calling for more and immediately, I would kind of be like, okay, forget about this other thing. Tell me more, tell me about this dream you have. And in the next breath without fail, every conversation tended to turn to why they weren’t ready, why they didn’t know enough, why they felt afraid or felt like this vision they had was just too big for them.
Lindsey Schwartz: And every time I would sit back and go, wait a minute, did did no one you everything you’re describing? Yeah. I feel that every day, that’s not the indication that you should stop or that you shouldn’t pursue. The thing that you’re talking about. It’s actually the, that is the sign that you’re going in the right direction. If you feel stretched, if you feel like you’re stepping into something unknown and that was easy to say, and I really believed it cuz I was on this personal growth journey, but deep down what no one knew is that I felt super restless. And I think I felt restless. Now I can look back and see that the reason I felt that way was I wasn’t challenging myself. I wasn’t really stepping into things that scared me or that I didn’t know I could be good at. And none of that changed until I got to the point where I had this opportunity to write a book.
Lindsey Schwartz: And I, I think we get these opportunities in our life to make a new choice, to literally choose, to become and step into this version of ourselves that we’re always connected to. That version of you is, is the one that right now is kind of whispering. It’s it’s usually like, Hey, like that, see that person, see all those things they’re doing. Yeah. You could do that too. Or see that thing you’re interested in and you’re kind of curious about, but it scares you. Yeah. You should step into to that. I think there’s that little, there’s that little voice in a lot of us that just is telling us we’re meant for more. And for me the first time I chose to listen to that voice versus the fear over the voice that was saying, who are you to do that? Who’s gonna listen to, you was saying yes to completing this book, which the book was called powerhouse woman.
Lindsey Schwartz: And a lot of people don’t realize, but there was never a plan for a whole other business. And this global community of women, I just took the first step and followed through with that and saying yes to it, even when I really wanted to quit. And I tried to quit several times, but continuing to say yes to it. And just out of curiosity to see what was waiting for me on the other side. And it was honestly, I, I kid you not. When I say I was 33, when I wrote the book, it was the first time I actually attempted something and finished it. Not knowing if I was gonna be good at it. Up until that point, I lived a life where I would, I would only take these calculated risks that I pretty much knew I was gonna be good at it. If I said yes to it.
Ashish Nathu: So in your community, when you know, that’s a really beautiful story. And I think like, as I’m listening and I’m thinking about it, you know, I can imagine that either myself or others are like, well, that’s all great Lindsey. And I think there are voices in my head that are saying like, you could become more or you could take this risk or you have this idea. And as you do this work, what is, you know, what are, and if I come to you and say, Hey Lindsey, this is like, I have this feeling that I could be doing more and I should become, or, but I’m afraid or I’m fearful or I’m scared, or I don’t have the capital or I don’t have the resources or I don’t have the relationships or what have you, like, what is the advice you give to those people who need to either take that leap? Or is it, is it a process? Is it a program? Is it something that’s like, listen, you need to be to decisive and commit. Is it, you know, what, what do, what would you tell those people?
Lindsey Schwartz: It’s so different for every single person. But I, I do believe there’s an underlying truth. That clarity ultimately comes through action. Hmm. And I think that’s what I was always waiting for with some sort of certainty that if I okay, if I take this risk and I do this thing, that feels really scary. Can you guarantee me a result on the other side, but you don’t get,
Ashish Nathu: It doesn’t work that way. Clarity.
Lindsey Schwartz: No, no, of course not. And, and then a lot of, a lot more people would be doing really crazy, bold things. But I think I was looking for the certainty when the certainty was there. It just didn’t look the way that I wanted and the certainty was I’m gonna grow in some way. Hmm. But I, I wanted, like I was sharing just a minute ago. I was looking for the end result instead of looking at the, the whole game of it is am I gonna grow? Am I gonna learn, knew about myself. Am I gonna learn something if I fail? And that was not a game up until that point of my life, that I was even willing to entertain. I wanted to control all of the outcomes and only have it go one way and thinking that if I could control the outcome and guarantee that I would be good at this or would succeed, or what have you, that was gonna lead to the kind of life I wanted. And then I wondered, I woke up every day feeling restless. And like, there was more for me that I wasn’t even dipping my toe into. At that point.
Ashish Nathu: You’re also very aware of your thinking. Like, you’re very aware of how you’re feeling what’s showing up for you. Has that always been the case? Are you getting, do you get better at that? Like listening to your intuition, seeing, oh wow. This is some anxiety or fear I’m, I’m feeling right now about this decision I have to make. And you know, what does that mean and why am I, why is that showing up for me? You know, I always talk about how, how important awareness is to success and our thinking about our thinking. So, you know, tell us a little bit about your process and your journey for that.
Lindsey Schwartz: It’s so true. Self awareness is one of the most valuable thing any of us can develop and no, I did not just wake up like that. I, I had this process of really falling in love at first with personal development, more traditional personal development. And then a couple things I did along the way. I remember doing a, like a weekend course called the landmark forum and it was one of those experiences. So if you’re familiar with it yeah. You know, it’s one of those experiences that afterward you’re like, whoa, okay. Eyes opened to a lot of just maybe how I’m wired, but also this notion like, well, shoot, I can’t go back to life before I found this out. So you’re, you’re now in a position of 100% responsibility for your, and when you step into that, although it’s confronting, cuz a lot of times I would joke that it was, it would be easier to go back to a world where I could blame my problems or my lack of results on someone else.
Lindsey Schwartz: But now that I’m viewing my life through the lens of 100% responsibility, it begs me to ask a better question. Like, okay, well where, where is that pattern coming from? Or, or what does that look like? So it started there for me in a, a lot of ways that was a big turning point. And then through reading through events, through books and more recently in this season, I’m really drawn to even more of like the actual science behind change. So studying and learning from people like Dr. Joe Dispenza and realizing how unlimited our minds actually are. And I’m a big nerd when it comes to all of that kinda stuff. Absolutely. Because it just makes me feel like, oh, there’s, there’s literally nothing that’s limiting me. That’s right. There’s nothing. And that’s a lot to be responsible for though.
Ashish Nathu: Yeah. It’s, it’s, you know, I was listening to something last week about goal setting and they were talking about how, I can’t remember who it was. Maybe I’ll have to find it from the show notes, but they were talk talking about how important, um, you know, there’s so many programs for goal setting and uh, creating a plan and all that. But there’s one system within the body, uh, from a, from a brain science perspective, that actually is the only singular system in the body that is connected to setting goals and, and having goals achieved. And it’s the visual system.
Lindsey Schwartz: Interesting.
Ashish Nathu: And I never, ever really realized that, that, and it’s exactly what you’re talking about is when we have focus and we have clarity and we like, you know, pay more attention to that and create visualization and all that, like how much more we can achieve. Um, and Joda spends, it talks a lot about that. Of course it’s like, and it’s limitless.
Lindsey Schwartz: Mm. You know, it’s only limited by, I guess really our imagination, our ability to imagine it that’s so good who you’ll have to share
Ashish Nathu: It for people. Yeah, for sure. Um, so I mean, you know, you’re obviously having a lot of success and building this beautiful female forward community around the world. I always say the future is female. I have two daughters, super proud of that. Um, you know, what is, as you’ve grown this community, what are some obstacles that you’ve, you’ve had that you didn’t expect? Some of the challenges that you had that you didn’t really expect during your process or your journey?
Lindsey Schwartz: Such a great question. And it ties to what we’ve been talking about that really my business has own only grown and business. You know, the community has grown to the extent that I’m willing to grow myself. Mm. And I don’t think I fully realized how much inner work was required, meaning I didn’t. And I’m glad, I didn’t know. I think it’s a, a gift when you’re blind to the personal growth, you’re gonna have the opportunity to go through one of which I’ll just give this as an example. I really like struggled with a deep, deep fear of what other people would think of me. Sure. Fear of judgment, fear of being understood all of it. And that was ultimately going to limit the impact that I could make because it limited my willingness to just show up and serve. It limited my willingness to be wrong publicly. And sometimes we’ve gotta put our ideas out there only to say, say six months from now, Hey, I actually learned something new and, and now I’m gonna contradict everything I just told you. And I went through really a season that was such a gift. I even remember. Um, my faith is a really big part of my, my business, my life. And I remember praying and saying, okay, God, show me what’s in the way. Now, if you’re gonna pray a show me prayer,
Ashish Nathu:
He, everything showed up.
Lindsey Schwartz:
He gotta be ready for what’s gonna be revealed. And what I wasn’t really prepared for, but also was, was, uh, I had the opportunity to really sit with someone who very much disagreed with me very much had their view of me. That was that I was kind of an a-hole like quite, you know, that was really their reality of me. And it just was this opportunity to sit with something that I thought I was so afraid of and be able to, you know, this is the, the shortened version of it. But through months of just again, inner reflection, really asking myself, okay, where’s the truth in this it’s triggering me because there must be something that either I perceive as true or it’s actually, but I’ve got some something to take responsibility for. But then once I was willing to be responsible for that and look at my own role in it really just learn to be okay with someone, having a view of me that I couldn’t control.
Lindsey Schwartz: And to this day that that person is not in my life. That person probably still thinks I’m quite the a-hole and learning to just have so much love, act love, not phony, not fake, so much love for that lesson and the person it was delivered through. I realized that’s the, that’s the ultimate lesson in it is that I could be okay with it. I don’t prefer it. I still would prefer if everyone thought I was the greatest and laughed at all my jokes and thought I was amazing. And that’s not the reality of someone who’s out there publicly in a big way, making a big impact. It’s just not. And it, it set me free in a lot of ways. So there have been so many lessons like that. That’s just one that I remember being so personal and so freeing at the same time.
Lindsey Schwartz: And it did take me several months to work through and come to the other side where I can share it in that the way I’m sharing it right now. And I’m so grateful for it to this day. I really hope that the other person grew as much as I did through it, because I think those are those things that I, I think I’m the most of afraid of. What if the thing you’re trying to prevent from happening right now is actually the situation, the scenario that holds the keys to your biggest lesson, would you welcome it? It
Ashish Nathu: Mic drop. Yeah. Yeah. That’s so powerful, dude. You are so eloquent about all this. Like it’s in, it’s pretty impressive. How not impressive, but just amazing how aware you are and how eloquent you are about your thinking and your process as you manage these emotions. I think there’s a lot of lessons and gifts that people can get from just listening to that. Like, it’s really amazing. Um, what is, what is your vision for, or powerhouse women in the next 10 years or decade or maybe legacy? What do you hope it becomes?
Lindsey Schwartz: That’s such an interesting question because I think one of the gifts I was given early on was the gift of not being able to see very far in the future. Mm.
Ashish Nathu: I love that. I love that. Actually.
Lindsey Schwartz: I didn’t know where we were going. I look back we’re we’re about five years in, in April. It’ll be five years since the book was published. And that really set the chain of events that led to where we are now, Lindsey, five years ago could not even believe I would’ve been so paralyzed by the view of the life that I have now. Ha if I had been able to see it. So I think there’s really two sides to it because in a way saying that I don’t see super far in the future, did it become a little bit of a crutch? I wasn’t even pushing myself to see a bigger vision. So I’ve opened myself up just recently to really leaning into even just imagining what would, what could it be like? And one of my favorite exercises, we call it unicorn brainstorming, which is just a, um, asking the question and then filling in the blank.
Lindsey Schwartz: Wouldn’t it be cool if so, allowing myself to go there. But I think it’s finding the balance between leaning into a vision that makes me feel quite honestly, like I’m kind of like, I’m gonna puke. Like it’s expanding me. This is whole conversation is about expanding me. That’s right. And then, uh, being unattached to an outcome, leaving room for the miracles or the twists and turns. So the answer right now, where it, from where I’m sitting now, which you’re only getting, you’re getting the answer from the Lindsey right now. And the Lindsey 10 months from now is gonna be a whole different person. I can’t even imagine 10 years, baby. I see. I don’t think this is, is the only business I’ll ever grow. I think that I’m building community right now to be able to solve problems on a bigger scale. Uh, I love, I’m obsessed with the idea that if we can get more women into action around their ideas, what if we have a cure for cancer that someone has now, they’re just afraid they feel like an imposter they’re not getting started. I think there’s deep impact that I won’t even ever get to see on this side of, you know, the spectrum of life. Maybe when I get to the afterlife, I’ll, I’ll get to see all the dots connected. But I, I also think there’s an opportunity to bring more resource is together that help women move through their ideas faster. And I don’t know what that looks like, but it’s, it’s interesting to just speculate about what that could look like.
Ashish Nathu: Yeah. I, if I’m picking up what you’re putting down, basically, you know, as you get an idea and people feel mobilized, like what are the resources they need? What are the, what are the reasons they need to increase the probability of success for their idea to come to life, right?
Lindsey Schwartz: Yes, exactly.
Ashish Nathu: I love that. Yeah. Foster entrepreneurship.
Lindsey Schwartz: And it could look, I imagine it’s gonna look a lot different than I can see right now, but what we’ve really honed in on is this idea that I think a lot of what stops women from fully seeing that vision through is a lack of community. They don’t currently have others around them pouring belief into that idea and especially the early stages. It’s I always say it’s easiest to kill a big idea when it’s in seed form before it’s grown fruit, before it has roots. And you know, now it would be so much harder for me, for someone to talk me out of this vision. Like if they could say you suck, no one goes to you and I’m just like, thank you.
Ashish Nathu: Thank you. Have a good day.
Lindsey Schwartz: The Beginning in the beginning from the right person that could have stopped me altogether. So community lack of community, we’re providing that lack of mentorship. We’re providing mentorship in all different forms to just really give some tangible next steps and make it feel less overwhelming. There is, there’s an interesting whole other world to me, which is the lack of like access to capital and re sources. I don’t think for most of us, we don’t need, you know, VC funding to get our ideas off the ground. It could be $5,000 to launch an idea and there are options. Crowdfund is a great one. You know, there’s, there’s great options, but I don’t know what that’ll look like, but I do feel like that’s ins some way the next partnership we pursue or just the next element, we really educate women around so that they’re not afraid or intimidated to have the conversations necessary because money is usually required to get sure these ideas off the ground.
Ashish Nathu: I wanna take a 90 degree turn into relationships and the paradigms and expectations of society. So one of the things that, um, and when we first met, uh, I got to meet you with my wife and Elliot and we were all together. And, uh, that was a really amazing time, really, really honored to meet you both at the same exact time. And one of the things we were talking about was, you know, the dynamics of relationships and, uh, being in a relationship with two very different people. And specifically with you, what I want to talk about is, you know, you are, um, you know, firstly, Elliot’s an amazing dude and I’ve become, we’ve become close friends, but also, you know, you are a very strong minded, powerful, ambitious woman. And one of the things we were talking about was like how men deal with that and how men in contrast to being the, the major breadwinner, like how do we deal with that mentally?
Ashish Nathu: And how does that show up in our relationship? But then also societally, I think our society, as progressive as we are still don’t quite understand this dynamic, and I wanna understand it from your perspective on, you know, I really having two young daughters, I’m very aware and conscious of this dynamic in our society and in our culture, our Indian culture, for sure. Um, you know, we say that we are very progressive, but these, these underlying judgements and, uh, exist and they’re very deep rooted, right? And I believe that if we really wanna make magnificent progress in humanity in the next couple of generations, like we need to have openness and we need to really drive this from both sides. And so I just wanted to get your perspective on that and what you see, how it’s affected you and what are the conversations going on around this topic.
Lindsey Schwartz: It’s such a deep question. And so many layers, again, depending on how each of us grew up, we’re gonna have a different context to see that through. And it’s so interesting, you know, you, you mentioned just even within your own culture, how there’s really this desire to evolve. And then we don’t realize we hit these. It’s almost like we, we hit these roots as we dig deeper. We don’t realize there’s a root there that has, has changed the way that we perceive ourselves, our, our partners, other people around us. And again, you’ve, you’ve mentioned this a few times. I I’m just a, a very observer in person. I, I just find people fascinating. I love to study people and, and there’s definitely people that as I’ve observed them, I, I aspire to be more like them. And I think I’ve always been drawn to relationships that feel like just the safest space for both partners to evolve. I think it’s no, no wonder then that I attracted a partner like Elliot, who from the moment I met him has always seen me as the highest version of myself. And you would think, you know, what a blessing it is, of course a blessing. I didn’t expect how much I would have to deal with the things I made up about what a woman should or shouldn’t do. And so I’m in a partnership where that wasn’t even my reality. I wasn’t getting pushback from my partner. I was making it up. And
Ashish Nathu: You were creating those frameworks,
Lindsey Schwartz: Right? Where did that come from? I don’t know. Cause I, I have extremely supportive of parents in an environment that, um, was it completely fostered my ambitions and things like that. So to answer your question, it’s, it’s so individual, there are layers upon layers to it, but my here’s what I’ve observed from, especially being, uh, sort of unintentionally this, you know, leader of a woman’s movement, which could easily come across as I am woman, hear me roar. Sure. Move bottom of my way. And I remember even when we, before my book came out, it was a very critical time in history where there were marches happening for women. And I’m all for obviously all for the advancement of women. And I just remember having this fear that I would be pigeonholed in a certain way that actually wasn’t representative of how I truly feel, which is I, I think we, we do need both, like you’re saying, I think we need to elevate both.
Lindsey Schwartz: I think there’s room for conversation and Elliot true. Elliot fashion said, babe, there’s like millions of women at that March, let, ’em all buy a book, we’ll sell a book to ’em. So you, you know, just having this ability to number one, self reflect Nu and number two, decide what works for you and the kind of relat partnership you wanna be in. And, and then just be really hyper aware of where you’re gonna hit those roots or those triggers. One of mine was when I started to earn more money. All of a sudden it came out of nowhere. A very real fear felt so real to me, even though I logically knew it wasn’t true that Elliot would leave that me having too much success would emasculate him or push him away. True. Now there was no physical evidence whatsoever never had been, but why did that fear seem so real?
Lindsey Schwartz: And it, you know, it’s deeply rooted in, I I’ve always had a fear about shining other people of driving people away of being the ambitious one. And all of a sudden it was like at my front door, uh, you know, within the relationship that matters most to me. So how we worked through that, of course I had my own personal reflection and work around it, but really open conversations and just telling him, Hey, I’m feeling this. I, it has nothing to do with you. There was literally nothing he did that triggered it. I just need some extra support through it. And, um, one of my favorite books is called the big leap and it talks about like these upper limits. And I think for me, it was actually just a huge upper limit. I knew deep down I was going somewhere new that was gonna require a lot of me.
Lindsey Schwartz: And the subconscious mind is real smart. It knows all of our fears, all of our deepest insecurities. And that was the one that it decided to play upon to try and keep me in this little box that I was comfortable in. And so it took, it took some work, some really honest conversations, not it was never, um, affecting our relationship negatively, but it was really stifling this growth that I knew I was stepping into. Sure. And I just, and that’s the thing to know, I think, is it when the fears come up, whether it’s around a relationship or whether it’s around, sometimes it’s alienating a friend or could look any, any way. It feels was really real in the moment. And that was one area specifically in my partnership with Elliot, that I was, I had no idea that would show up at all. And I think it’s given us a really cool opportunity to talk to other couples just about the dynamics, cuz sometimes it’s maybe the, the male partner that gets triggered by the, the woman’s success.
Lindsey Schwartz: So we, we certainly are not experts on the subject. We only have our personal, uh, experience with it, but you’re bringing up such a great topic. It’s, it’s so deep. And I think every couple is unique. Seek help, seek professional, like counseling help to, you know, to work through things like that because I just believe so firmly. And I think having a vision, not just for your business, but for your, your marriage, your partnership too, is so critical that you don’t have to choose business success or relat. You can have both, if that’s the vision you’re living into and then be willing to do the work that it requires to have both.
Ashish Nathu: Ooh, I love all of that. I mean, I think what’s showing up for me is like, it’s so clear that when you’re trying to make huge leaps, you’re gonna grow, you’re gonna change and you may have to leave things behind. And in some of our most key relationships like to have just open dialogue about like, these are my fears, this is what I’m concerned about. This is what I have anxiety about. Um, nothing about this has nothing to do with you. And it’s all everything to do with me, but just love through it and create some space through it. I think it’s a really important lesson to, to commute about this as you’re going through these major leaps. I love that. And as we’re talking about this for you right now in your life, what is your biggest fear?
Lindsey Schwartz: Ooh, my biggest fear. So a lot of my growth right now, which maybe would point me to where the fear is is around. I am required to step into a new level of leadership in order to keep up with the growth that my vision is demanding. Uh, oh, here it is. I knew I’d get to it. So it’s becoming very clear to me this year that my next evolution is gonna come from a really uncomfortable letting go of control. Ooh, The fear I don’t like giving up control. I really like to be in control and I’m just very clear. It’s gonna come from allowing myself to be supported on such a deep level, taking my hands off of things that I like really, really like to be in the little deep details of. And now I just know that like where the discomfort is, I head straight there because that’s where the next growth opportunity is, but it’s freaking uncomfortable giving up control.
Ashish Nathu: That’s so good. And I think there’s no one else that ever has experienced that. So I, I don’t even really know what you’re talking.
Lindsey Schwartz: It’s just really unique to me.
Ashish Nathu: It’s really just unique to you. Um, tell us a little bit about, you know, you perform at such a high level. Um, you know, as a high performer, I’m always curious about other people’s routines on how they get into that state, how they get into that, um, rhythm. Do you have a, a, a routine or a daily schedule that gets you into peak state?
Lindsey Schwartz: Mm. I love that. I always love hearing other people’s answers too. So I’m gonna have to go back through your episodes. Yes. Uh, I do. I’m actually a very, I’m a very disciplined person, a very routine person. So part of my routine has been learning to allow it to flow a little bit, really paying attention instead of being like I’m up at five, am I go to the gym? I do this actually tuning in, cause this has been part of the work of slowing down and letting go of control is tuning in and just asking like, what do you need day? Do you need to sleep in? Do you need to do you need to move in a different way? Uh, so it’s kind of this balance between like really keeping true to my commitments and having like overarching commitments of, and things that I know whether or not I wanna do them really serve me movement connection time with really high of up leveled friends who are having up-leveled conversations, um, eating a certain way, you know, drinking or not drinking certain things.
Lindsey Schwartz: So there’s that macro level kind of like routine of making sure I have my commitments to myself, but with enough flexibility that I can change from day to day, what that looks like. Um, the biggest team right now that I, I was actually thinking about this driving to meet with my running partner today, which is one commitment I have is an absurd amount of mindset work every moment of the day. Sometimes I need quiet. I actually need like to be completely in silence by myself to really be working or focus thing. If I’m listening to anything, it’s something that’s reminding me of the power of my own mind. So a lot of Joda Spencer right now, certain podcasts and then just having it be okay, like podcasts I used to love and be obsessed with. I’m not listening to it all. It’s all around mindset leveling up.
Lindsey Schwartz: Cuz I can tell I like a, a really cool tipping point. Sure. And I’m just, I, I require every single day a reminder of how powerful my mind is cuz I wake up and I don’t feel that positive and I don’t feel that motivated truly. And so I go right to work on, like I know what it feels like when I’m in that zone of who I wanna show up as, and I’m just breaking some really deep patterns right now I can tell like I can physically feel it. So mindset work. And then those like overarching rituals that really serve me.
Ashish Nathu: I love that. And you know, if people wanna listen to more of that, like you just put out a couple of really good episodes on that in your podcast. So I encourage people to listen cuz I just listen to them about, about how to get into that at state. So, um, I guess as we wrap up, let me ask you our final question for you. What does it mean to live a rich life?
Lindsey Schwartz: Hmm. It’s so much simpler than I think my younger self believed it was, uh, I feel that the state of being rich is an embodied state. I don’t think it has anything to do with externally what’s happening around me. To me, it means that I am fulfilled spiritually, relationally, um, physically. And it’s a state of fully like being who I’m being whole and complete. And it just so happens. I feel like I’m, I’m just kind of tapping into this like universal truth that when you live like that, when you actually focus your energy on that way, all that other crap you thought you wanted actually comes and kind of easily, but then you don’t even really care or want it. Cuz the, the end goal the whole time was just a state of wholeness as a, as a human. Uh, that was very, that was like very philosophical. That was literally, that’s where I am right now. That
Ashish Nathu: That Was a deep,
Lindsey Schwartz: Think I’m learning.
Ashish Nathu: That was a Buddha answer. Girl.
Lindsey Schwartz:
You bring this out of Me, love it. I’m telling you
Ashish Nathu: I love it. Um, well look, Lindsey really just sincerely honored that you’re here. Um, so much knowledge, so much wisdom. Um, if people wanna reach out to you or follow you or learn more about you, what are, how, how can will get in touch?
Lindsey Schwartz: Yes. Well you mentioned the podcast. If, if you’re a podcast listener, I mean, Ashish just showed you. You don’t have to be a woman to listen to the powerhouse women podcast.
Ashish Nathu: That’s right. I listen to her podcast.
Lindsey Schwartz: Right. Yeah. It’s for everybody. We even have a couple episodes with Elliot on there, so, you know, equal opportunity. So I would love if you’re a podcast listener, you love growth. You love business. The powerhouse women podcast is one of my favorite places to connect. And then, um, all of our, you know, offerings, our membership community, all of that is linked. Um, in our Instagram bio, that’s usually the easiest. So it’s just powerhouse underscore women and yeah, would love to connect with the fellow ambitious women who love your work, uh, because those are clearly like-minded people who I would love to know.
Ashish Nathu: And we’ll put all your handles and social media stuff in our, in the show notes. But um, sincerely, thank you so much honored that you’re here and wish you continue continue success as you, uh, endeavor on this beautiful journey of great this movement. So, um, thank you so much.
Lindsey Schwartz: Thank you. I’m just so honored to be here.
Narrator: Thank you for listening to the rich equation podcast with Ashish Nathu. Do you want more ideas on how to live rich? Go to rich equation, for show notes and resources than take one minute to leave Ashish a five star review on apple podcasts and we’ll see you on the next episode.